Record Detail

People of Sacramento Archive

Caption: Barracks of the Tule Lake Internment Camp.

Date: 1943

Historical Context: The Tule Lake Internment Camp was located in the arid northwest corner of California. Other camps were located in equally desolate areas of the U.S. Tule Lake, the internment camp shown here, contained within its barbed-wire perimeters, 64 blocks of living quarters. Each block was designed to house 250 people in 14 barracks. Each barrack was 20 feet wide by 100 feet long, and was divided into four living quarters 20 feet wide and 25 feet long. Each block had a mess hall, recreation hall, laundry and ironing room, toilets and showers for men and women. At one point, the camp held 18,422 Japanese-American men, women and children.

Ethnic Group: Japanese

Place: Tule Lake, California

Events: Internment during World War II

Names/Biographical Data: n.a.

Key Words: pressure, discrimination

Image Number: To see a larger version of this picture, see image number 1388 and select the full-size image.

Objects/Items of Note: Barracks of Tule Lake Internment Camp

Image Credit: SMHD, Walerga Oral History Project collection.